
Acatraveler's Diary

which of the favours of your Lord will you deny


November 2014

Remembrance of Allah

How Allah Makes Us Remember

These two days, I was being a committee for once of SKIPPER’s event; East Java Students Leadership Camp. A lot of things that I had experienced; specially in upgrading my iman and faith. I have been realized that Allah has softened my heart during this event. Alhamdulillah. I was involved with ikhwah who turn their ways to face Allah directly.

The first thing that when I bought some souvenirs for the speakers in Kenjeran; and I just had an hour and a half to do it. I brought Rp 200,000, but I wasn’t able to buy the entrance ticket because of there was no change. The cost was Rp 5.000, and the staff was not able to give me the change. She didn’t let me enter. How dissapointed was that. I even didn’t understand why she did that. As a public recreation, they had to serve every visitor kindly. But, a moment later, two old teachers came to buy tickets for their pupils. I asked them for help, and they helped me to enter the Kenjeran. After I thanked, I ran to the nearest shop to buy souvenirs. When I went back, something came in my thought. That was particularly what I had done to several people. I didn’t treat them respectfully. It used to be a mirror that it was annoying and harsh to others. I have learnt that focus and repair our niat are very important in the beginning until the end of my activities.

The second thing was how Allah answered my a question that made me going crazy. Well, it’s about my heart, and every heart had its own crumbling phase. Hehe. I found a fact and it’s clearly shown in front of me. Allah has given me in the right time and the right place, with His right ways. Now, I just kept it slow to react to the fact. Instead of behaving too much, I choose praying a lot; let Allah show His best decision for me.

After all, EJSLC 2014 gave all the committees learnt everything; bout the brotherhood, trust, promise, honor, bravery, and iman. They were not all about financial; there were too much not for it. I am now sure that every activity of Muslim/ah -since it is not a denial to Allah- is a virtue for them.

Anak muda, pergilah! Tinggalkan Indonesia!

I started my step with making a passport 🙂
Just wait when Allah let me go around the world by making the best efforts 🙂

a madeandi's life

dusunAda seorang perempuan muda duduk dan sedang membaca buku. Dia takzim menyimak kata demi kata di buku itu dan sesekali melingkari lokasi-lokasi di peta yang menghiasi halaman yang sedang dibacanya dengan pena. Dari wajah dan buku yang dibaca, saya duga dia orang Jepang atau mungkin China. Entahlah. Saya duduk di sebelahnya, sebentar lagi pesawat akan terbang dari Jakarta ke Jogja. Perempuan muda itu menoleh sekilas, tersenyum sesaat lalu tenggelam lagi dalam bacaannya.

In a holiday?” tanya saya setelah mengencangkan sabuk pengaman. Saya tidak menoleh, hanya melirik saja, sekedar untuk memulai percakapan. Rasanya aneh jika tidak menyapa orang yang duduk di sebelah saya dalam sebuah perjalanan yang berlangsung satu jam. “Yes”, katanya sambil menengok. Mungkin dia tidak menyangka saya akan menyapanya. “I hope you enjoy Indonesia” kata saya singkat sambil tersenyum. “Yes” katanya singkat dan berhenti membaca. Dari jawabannya saya bisa tahu, Bahasa…

View original post 1,379 more words

Mahasiswa Sastra, Ngapain Aja?

A: Hai, kamu jurusan apa?
B: Hallo juga! *Kibas rambut* Aku jurusan kedokteran di FK sini… Kamu?
A: Waaah, hebat! Aku jurusan Sastra Inggris.
B: Oooh…. *diem* atau *mengalihkan bahan pembicaraan*

Dulu, waktu masih jadi mahasiswa cupu, pertanyaan begitu itu seringkali muncul. Kadang, ada rasa minder tersendiri karena sudah jadi mahasiswa sastra; jurusan paling nggak favorit di kampus manapun. Stereotip orang-orang selalu begini,

“Mau jadi apa kamu, cuma belajar baca? Emang baca sendiri di rumah nggak bisa?”
“Sastra Inggris? Kenapa nggak les aja di LBB gede macem EF atau IALF?”

Well, perkenalkan. Saya adalah Annisa Rochma Sari, mahasiswa Sastra Inggris semester 3. Ini nih yang saya dapat dari 3 semester saya kuliah di sana:

1. Ilmu Budaya. Kenapa prodi sastra dimasukkan ke dalam the Faculty of Humanities? Terjemahan secara literalnya adalah fakultas kemanusiaan; tapi secara harfiahnya adalah Fakultas Ilmu Budaya. Sastra adalah cerminan dari budaya yang diwujudkan dengan adanya bahasa. Iye… bahasa. Coba kalau nggak ada bahasa; nggak ada yang namanya iklan, bahkan blog macem gini. Iya nggak?

2. Ilmu tentang Media. Jangan salah… justru, orang-orang bahasa lah yang mengerti tentang konspirasi di balik media. Karena yang jarang kita tahu sebenarnya, di dalam jurusan sastra, ilmu tentang media begitu penting. Sebagai orang sastra, kami dituntut untuk bersikap kritis dengan apa yang ingin disampaikan media. Nanti pasti belajar soal semiotik, myth, simbol, tanda, kode, dan sebagainya. FYI, media itu luas ya. Bisa film, novel, iklan, majalah, koran, dsb dsb. Jadi, jangan heran kalau masuk sini, tugasmu adalah nonton film, baca novel, mantengin sinetron, ngomentarin iklan, dan semua yang berhubungan dengan media. Seru lho, sumpah! Mana ada kuliah yang nugasin mahasiswanya buat nonton film?! 🙂

3. Ilmu tentang Linguistik. Ini berguna untuk mendeteksi pilihan kata yang digunakan oleh orang lain. Kenapa dia bilang gini, kenapa dia nggak bilang kaya gitu. Dibekali ilmu psikologi, dan yang pasti kita bakal lebih mudah untuk menghafal berbagai bahasa-bahasa di dunia. Ternyata, sistem linguistik pun sudah diatur oleh pusatnya yang bernama IPA (International Phonetics Association). Kalau kita hafal simbol-simbol IPA, baca bahasa apapun nggak akan sulit. Keknya, (almh) Gayatri yang menguasai 14 bahasa itu sudah lebih dulu belajar soal simbol IPA ini deh. Hm…

4. Labnya adalah nongkrong. Kalau prodi sains, labnya yaaa… begitulah. Di ruang tertutup, dingin, penuh cairan-cairan kimia, dan mesin-mesin. Nggak nyalahin sih bagi yang suka. Kalau emang itu passion kamu, nggih monggo sekecak’aken. Tapi, kalau di FIB, khususnya prodi Sastra, kamu bisa nongkrong sepuas-puasnya supaya bisa dapet ilmu. Lah, nongkrong kan sesi hiburan, gimana bisa dapet ilmunya? Ya, nongkronglah yang bermanfaat. Contoh: kemarin aku habis nonton film The Mockingjay part 1 sama 3 temenku. Ditraktir pula. Di sana, kita emang enjoy nonton filmnya; tapi kita juga diskusi soal film itu. Apa sih sebenernya yang pingin disampein film itu, gimana cara sutradara dan produsernya menyampaikannya? Seringkali, kami juga nongkrong lihat pameran lukisan atau pertunjukan-pertunjukan drama yang diadain fakultas atau prodi Sastra yang lain. Bedanya dengan masyarakat awam, hasil dari nongkrong itu kemudian dikritisi dan diseriusi. Lantas ditulis dimasukin blog atau dijadikan bahan tugas kuliah. Asyik kan?

5. Easy to Go International. Prodi Sastra Inggris paling banyak dan sering nerima pertukaran mahasiswa. Yaiyalah…, namanya juga prodi bahasa internasional *bangga*. Seenggaknya, kalau kamu belum bisa bahasa Inggris, padahal udah belajar sejak orok sampai lulus SMA, pertukaran mahasiswa ini bisa jadi solusi yang sangat efektif; meskipun cuma 1 bulan. Bahasa itu bisa karena kebiasaan. Sekarang sudah jelas bahwa, ternyata, orang Indonesia nggak lancar-lancar bahasa Inggrisnya itu ya karena nggak dipraktekkin tiap hari. Lagi, walaupun kamu dilarang pergi ke luar negeri (karena alasan finansial, terutama), kamu masih tetep bisa sering kontak dengan para mahasiswa asing yang datang ke kampus. Sebentar, aku tanya, tujuan ke luar negeri apaan sih? Cuma pingin temenan sama orang-orang bule, memperkaya pengalaman, dan jalan-jalan aja kan? Yaudah, dengan datangnya para bule itu ke Indonesia, manfaatkan momen itu. Nggak nguras kantong kok. 🙂

6. Belajar jadi guru bahasa Inggris yang nggak sesat. Tahu nggak, selama ini ternyata sebagian besar guru bahasa Inggris kadang nggak bener ngajarin siswa-siswanya. Atau ini mungkin dampak dari kurikulum pendidikan kita yang agak eror; jadi gurunya juga agak nggak nafsu ngajarin. Yang penting, dateng, ngajar, ngabsen, ulangan, udah selese. Tapi, di sini kamu bakal belajar tentang idealismenya mahasiswa untuk tidak mengajarkan hal-hal yang salah; sekecil apapun itu di dalam elemen-elemen bahasa Inggris (Grammar, Listening, Reading, Writing, dan Speaking).

7. Skill Translation. Ini nih, kalau yang nanya terus soal “Kamu mau jadi apa?” Keterampilan teknis para mahasiswa Sastra Inggris adalah menerjemahkan tulisan. Iya, dan kamu tahu, bayaran tiap kali nerjemahin ini bahkan lebih tinggi dari gaji guru; bisa freelance lagi. *sigh*. Sekarang, aku pun membuka jasa terjemahan untuk teks biasa atau makalah. Harga per halamannya maish Rp 25.000, 00 dan kata rekan-rekanku sesama penerjemah; itu terlalu murah. Tau, dia mematok Rp 400-Rp 500 per kata! per KATA! Bayangkan, sekali menerjemahkan yang cuma 2 hari-1 minggu, bisa dapat Rp 300.000-Rp 500.000. Atau bisa jadi interpreter. Kalau dapat klien pengusaha asing, nggak usah ditanya bayarannya. Pasti sering ke hotel-hotel bintang lima, nemenin klien, plus dapat sangu minimal sejuta. Asal, tetap jaga diri saja. Hmm… mau berapa proyek per bulan? Kalkulator, mana kalkulator.

8. Berkenalan dengan Anomali. Pernah tau LGBTQ (Lesbian, gay, biseksual, transgender, dan queer)? Iya, meskipun aku nggak setuju sama keberadaan mereka; tetapi aku juga sadar bahwa mereka ternyata ada dan eksis. Di sini, aku belajar untuk menghargai mereka dengan apapun pilihan mereka; tanpa menghakimi.

Mahasiswa sastra, bisa!


By: Annisa Rochma Sari

A circle and glass-type of rain has fallen
into the two arms of hearts

Petrichor has spread out,
into the two hearts of the mysterious ships

Rain makes a blur and blue dream
to whom it may occur as a stream
Rain drops as it can suffer the land
yet it grows up the plants

And when the rain is falling
The God wants you to have something
And when the rain is falling,
The two hearts would be easy to dreaming
A perfect dream.

How To Crush Bad Habits

Just practice it during 30 days. Inshaa Allah you will find your new you!



Face-to-Face Communication: Indonesian’s Indigenous Knowledge

The local wisdom and knowledge is now running out from the Indonesian people. I dare to say this because the fact speaks louder than the people themselves. Technologies and any fast-track-stuffs affect our style of communication. I would like to emphasize that our communication should be going on face-to-face style. We love to chit-chat, share common interests, and gossip everything (in a good way). We tend to sit in a long hours just to talk everything and discuss in a warm atmosphere. But now, when a smartphone and gadgets take over us; it has gone. Our instant message turn us into some aliens who addict to find as much as unpredictable joy and pleasure.

I would like to say that face-to-face communication as Indonesian people’s indigenous knowledge. The term indigenous knowledge appear as we were colonized by Westeners. Indigenous knowledge is viewed as an ignorant and traditional culture which is not being progressed.

Hi, again ^_^

Cangkruk’an (chit-chat)

Indigenous knowledge means if you understand something locally and how to implement it to boost your life’s productivity. The common IK in Indonesia is to have a small to large group to share a talk. As the photo above tells us; it’s called cangkruk’an. We discuss about our lives; works; even our families. It simply draws what the term “collectivism” culture in Indonesia. We like to surround by other people and have a face-to-face interaction. We are very friendly and all friends are considered to be close friends while we are having a warm discussion. If you are just sitting in the corner and not involving yourself; then you’re ignored by the group.

Face-to-face communication cause more empathy and simpathy to other people. As the people speak up, we will know about their expression, emotion, gestures, or even their dreams. It is also a form of our sincerity and caring about the society members. It reduces the mis-understanding which is used to be classical problem in gadget communication.

So, why do I consider it as Indonesian Indigenous Knowledge?

1. Because it’s different from the Westeners have. Well, if I may stereotype, most Westeners like to -just- sit in their close groups or relation or even alone. They just talk in a manner and not for a long-talk. They want to get the points as soon as possible. I have ever met some Westeners and we’ll talk about our important things.

2. The Westeners have a willing to change our cultures. We -specially for youngster- may not realize that we’re going to be alienated. By our gadgets. By our activities. By our times. We ignore the birthday of our families, we are very busy to organize our offices’ stuffs, or as students; we are very busy to do the assignments and overslept. Ah, talking about being students. Now, I am in the second year of college. I think, I just have less time to socialize due to the lack of time. Imagine! I have to be in college from 7-18. Then, I have to teach at home. Then, i have to do so many assignments. In weekend, I have still to go to campus to join the clubs and organizations. My family often complain on me. Let’s think. My university has a typically Europe design for its learning system and technical support. I think, for some cultural aspects; we adopt European culture as well. There’s less time to discuss; just do your work; work oriented.

3. I am in condition that seeing how individualist culture among students grows up! If I conduct an event just for my university’s members; it’s only a half or one-third participants of all. Well, I choose to be a positive thinker that maybe they have another activity.

4. I have researched that proving the usage of gadget in public spaces in my campus reduces the interaction among students. All respondents gave me a final answer that they need more existence in the web than in the real world. One of them even told me that she can’t live without gadget. What on earth is that fact?

Face-to-face may be a simple style of communication. However, we need to interact with people as much as we exist in the web. Human is the best friend of another human; because by directing the communication; we have it by our hearts.

True Friends Help You in Remembrance of Allaah

A Facebook link came to my wall. From my old friend, Shabrina who are studying bio-molleculer in Gajahmada University. She said, “Take it for your rest time…”

The short story is about Ketika Mas Gagah Pergi (When Brother Gagah has Gone). The writer is Helvy Tiana Rosa (she was appreciated as the first Muslimah who wrote a teen-Islamic short story).

Here is the review.

Gita Ayu Pratiwi had a handsome, active, religious, cute, energic, and brilliant brother, named Gagah. He was a student of Faulty of Technic in University of Indonesia. But, Gagah changed after he had gone to Madura and meet a Kiai (ustadh) over there. Gagah turned to be a wiser, more religious, cleverer man. Gita refused this; but she then understood why her brother changed. Gita also saw how her brother brought hidayah of Allah to the 3 musketeers and developed a social house for unhoused children. Her heart was melting in stepping her brother’s way. Then, as soon as possible, Gita wore the Hijab. She felt Allah’s hidayah too. One day, Gita was turn to be 17th. Shw waited for her brother; but Gagah was hospitalized. Some unknown people tried to attack him for his effort to defend a mushola. Finally, Gagah had gone, in the name of Allah.

Reading these passages; I feel that Allah tries to help me defend my heart in this way (jazakillah to Shabrina; you’re the best friend I’ve ever had). These days, I always ask “why why why me” in the presence of mixed color of ideologies.

The story has honestly told me that, when you seek Allah, He will come to you. No matter what and where you do. It reminds me that whatever we do, Allah is always watching of us. Astaghfirullah…

Then, for the sake of Allaah… I will use this blog to share any useful contents only.

The Girl and her iPad

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